Thursday, December 26, 2013

The journey intensifies

Its true what the Bible says 'the footsteps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord' I am beyond in awe  if my God. In case you have been wondering how am holding up exercise wise.  Great. .I have been diligent waking up at 5 am to walk, skip rope and yoga.

Well even the days I really don't feel like it, Peace will not allow me to slack. She is on me like a tick on a dog. She will not even even have it. Not even. You can't even pay her kani. Hakuna munhu akadaro! I wake up and still go workout.

Well today I started at a gym. Yes gym. I was disciplined for 21days. That's how long it takes to establish a habit. So whether I like it or not my body will wake up at 5am everyday.  I even worked out on Christmas day and if course today.

The gym is at Marondera Country club. With my own trainer and good equipment. If I told you how much it will cost me per month you will be green with envy. Its $20 a month. And to top it all off. . Is walking distance from home. 

Gym was intense and the instructor had no mercy. So he first says 10 min on the bike and I thought it was a piece of cake. .lolest I was the piece of cake!  It was so painful I thought I was going to die... Yes die from workout!  But I was to determined I pulled through. Even did weights and stepping and  punching bag. Yah ndokushandira korona manje uku! ..go sokostina go! 

However what I have also realised is even emotionally am getting vulnerable, that hard shell is breaking. I feel like my emotions are all over the place. A serious mess. It's not easy at all. Then on Sunday someone says to me, I thought you are on some journey. . How come you gaining weight.  I was broken, yet the dress I was wearing on the day was giving me more room to manoeuvre and breath.  I felt dejected, my confidence plummeted to the rock bottom.

I thought really. .. wow beat me down why don't you. I then reminded myself that Rome war not built in a day and surely can't be destroyed in a day either. So if she couldn't see it going up it didn't mean the foundation war not being dug. I just told her an digging the foundation and is a deep foundation. What am building needs precision and am in no hurry to show the world. .... But like Rome, ONE day I will be a spectacular wonder to behold: I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I have also decided to be honest with myself and how I feel. When I can I also air or if an happy or when I feel taken for granted.  

Recently,over and above the above, I was hurt badly by a very very close friend so bad I thought my heart was going to break. I felt used and unworthy.  Boy did I want to eat. I was so tempted to just throw in the towel...I was like What's the point. I threw a pity party! Tears and all!  Even said very horrible things to myself. I was full throttle towards the fridge!

At that very moment I put on my workout regalia and went jogging at 5pm listening to music. I felt so good afterwards! 

Working out felt better and more relaxing and I did not entangle my emotions with food.  It gets harder and harder. .yet easier and easier everyday. Funny huh?

I am more determined than ever to work hard and a bring down the emotional walls of Jericho. I know I might have to go round 7 months or more. ..but they will come down.

So yes its getting really intense.. however tomorrow is day two at the gym.

P/s I haven't forgotten part 2 of debt and weight are so related.

1 comment:

  1. so so proud of you my love. ..let the haters hate...the only 1 who needs to believe in what youre doing iw You...everyone else is secondary if they are on board its a bonus if not foeget them... what ive learnt over the years is this fight starts and ends in yout mind... you gotta firtify your self internally and it will always work itself out externally...
    you keep pounding at it ... the beginning is hardest when its not easy to see the results its like being pregnant. firat it doesnt show but you know... later everyone cant help but see your good news and share in your joy...
    Dont despise these days of small beginnings... keep running...
