Thursday, June 10, 2010

This one was for Ntando.......

Waking up in the morning to go for a run in the deep and serious cold days of June are like the worst ever, Today i was really seriously thinking of not going for my jogwalk, and then i realised and remembered it was Ntando's birthday, and then i had to get out of bed and dedicate my jowalk to her, so i decided to walk a slid 2kms just for her 29th. So there you go babes happy birthday!

So i let the house and took a route i was not even sure i could walk it out in time to bath, and go to work, but well, i had a birthday girl in mind, and thus the jogging came in. Well i forgot to mention that those 3 ladies from my walking club went AWOL on me and decided to not walk this winter because its too cold, but hey, i have my own cross to carry and battle to fight!