Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nyama noMweya (the flesh & the Spirit)

Its been 9 days at the gym and day 2 for my daniel's fast (basically am strict vegetarian for the next 21 days) with loads of prayer of course. I begin my journey toward spiritual strengthening and recovery. Heish yah... zvinoda vakashinga moyo.

2013 was a really dry spiritual year for me. Gosh did I pick up offence or what? So much that I even stopped completely. I know, its always preached offense is taken heeee heee what what, but I promise you there are professional offense givers.  No, make that offense dagger throwers.  They take pride in being offense tape measures and then preaching you on the pulpit nxaaaaa. Hakuna munhu akadaro. I mean seriously church is something else, really something. Hanzi Peter wandai famba naye ndichiti ndagona ndiye azondibaya..... ndakabaiwa veduwee

I mean, seriously, when I bounce back like now, then what? Let us pray for each other and one another. I really thank God for those that prayed for me and stood by me and did not give up on me. Where you have refreshed me may God completely refresh you too.

However, in all this offense: Yes I still should have been the bigger person and responded better; stayed up there where it was cooler and remained rooted in the Lord #amjustsaying

Imagine, i stopped ministering, sat back and did absolutely nothing in church. Letting go of: "involvement is the key to your call" like wat Pastor Bonnies always says. Thanks to work and school, I had excusese and did not attend most conferences either. The things am most passionate about: young people,  order and worship, I totally abandoned, completely. My giftings were packed away neatly. short changing myself and the body of Christ. At times I even felt I was swimming backstroke in sin. Lolest!

I have since realised that church and my gym are so similar. Different people with different goals come to the same place seeking help. We all need different type attention and workout routine. Others are fit and others are just beginners, therefore we can not be assigned the same exercises.

My instructor 21years of age by the way,  he is always shooting no pain: no gain! You should hear him when he tells me you need to burn that tummy or strengthen those legs..he shouts for all to hear.  But funny enough I do not take offense at all because I know the results I seek!

The same way I exercise my body muscles I should too my spiritual muscles. Read my word, fellowship and serve. I grow and become strong when I serve in the house of God. Even the gifts that God has given me needs to be exercised. I mean I can't have a Prophetic gift and not even prophesy or healing and never heal. I have to be actively conscious to strengthen their spiritual muscle.

This year I will deliberately come back to my first love..God. Return to my rightful body weight too. He says draw near to me and I will draw near to you.  Boy am I going to be all up in His intimate space. I know there is no spiritual barometer to measure my holiness: but my God and I will know. I am reading my word, praying and returning to serve.

This weight loss journey has made me realise that I can not accomplish my healing emotionally without the Holy Spirit as my central pivot system.. 5/10 it can't. Hazviite kani

My instructor at the gym never ridicules me when I come with sore thighs and painful arms or when a set is difficult to complete.  Instead he helps me work that pain out and reminds me to set my eyes on the goal. He even insists I close my eyes and envision that one person who will Eat their heart out when i loose weight. Reminding me there are people waiting for me to fail saying hai haiwa, haiwawo... zvipiko she can't do it.  He shouts 'prove them wrong'. Well if you are one of those you will not only eat your heart out..nechitaka coz I am doing this!!!!

I will choose my instructors wisely in 2014; not those that point fingers and day holier than thou what what things.  But those like Jesus who lives you through it all. Psalm 1 veduwe.

I have been weak these two past days gym and the fast. . But I am sure soon I will be used to it. There are times when I just say ah What's the point. .. But s still small voice reminds me to keep at it.

The amount of encouragement I have been getting is overwhelming and humbling.  I feel like Man United though am not at my best or at the top; its not over until it's really over! I still have full support that keeps me going. Thank you for the love and support best of all for believing in me. Its day 10 today 11days from establishing a habit.

Til next time God bless you zvinemutsindo! Be a blessing to others too!


  1. well done Tendai. I am so proud of you. Keep o keep keeping on. Love u loads xo co. Cleopatra Nam

  2. Go Tendy... Much love for you
