Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I have been bad, Michael Jackson Bad.............Heish

heish, i know, heish, has been like my new favourite world, lol! anyway, so why have i been MJ bad, its coz its been like wat 7 days and i have not exercised. i have been working late and getting home really late and tired, and then the temperature dropped and getting out of bed just got harder to get out of bed! Then well, the unthinkable happened, i saw Ntando's NOW look and i was like heish! she is so determined and focused and will ot let her 2 kids and husband, and full time job being mum stop her from looking hotter than Jolie, and now i know tomorrow its on.

Last week monday morning i weeded the garden and it was some work out. But i have since learnt to reduce mt portions, and i was telling Nyasha and Jayne that i need new under wear because am a dress size smaller. lol! well so tomorrow, i am going to jowalk and then come back and weed the rest of the garden. i have also learnt that the way i feel physically also tallies with my spiritual state, and i am not as intensely connected as i was when i was working out. i have had mad revelations this week, but i keep wondering if i could have serious moments with God if i was fit enough for the task.

Well thank you Ntando, you are my sweet dream girl or a beautiful mightmare, because when i saw your photo i was like Why not? No more MJ stunts. Rue Nyambuya sent me something to help with my work out and eating plan, but it will not open, i will sure make a plan. i have also noticed i have not been as productive this wek because of this exercise thing not firing! OK, bring it on! this is sooooo on!

Lol also when your not exrcising you stop blogging, ummmmmmmmm, MJ, heish, am back

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This one was for Ntando.......

Waking up in the morning to go for a run in the deep and serious cold days of June are like the worst ever, Today i was really seriously thinking of not going for my jogwalk, and then i realised and remembered it was Ntando's birthday, and then i had to get out of bed and dedicate my jowalk to her, so i decided to walk a slid 2kms just for her 29th. So there you go babes happy birthday!

So i let the house and took a route i was not even sure i could walk it out in time to bath, and go to work, but well, i had a birthday girl in mind, and thus the jogging came in. Well i forgot to mention that those 3 ladies from my walking club went AWOL on me and decided to not walk this winter because its too cold, but hey, i have my own cross to carry and battle to fight!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So i jogged..... a lil!

LOL! i have been out with stomach cramps for two days, monday and tuesday, and had a running tummy, so i tried walking on monday and i had to pinch everything back in so that i do not run, lol! running tummy, catch the drift?

Anyway, so i decided aiwa kani, zvakwana, and i prayed, i said Lord, you know am on a mission ka nhai, a mission to be healthy, fit and sexy as a bonus, yes sexy, i want to be eye candy as well ahhh, who doesn't! lol! So yes today i woke up late at 545am, and still took my ipod, and started walking towards strathaven, its abt 1.5kms from my house. i think i had walked abt 500m, when i said aiwa ka let me try jogging, and well i did all the way to strathaven, and then brisk walked back home, and i felt so alive and my blood was rushing and i felt so goooood!

My friend Basil, whom was in my initial thread on facebook dropped by to see me at lunch and he was like hey, i see you loosing some weight, now wow, imagine wat that did to me, and i told MOMO and she is like Blog it and i am now. Its so great when people can notice, but even greater when the pants have some space in then, even when its still lil space, its space. BUT not space to eat more and fill up your tummy, NO, space to know that there is a wardrobe change soon.

Well Rungano, affectionately known as Ru, said she is now my states working out buddy, Ru is my longest surviving friend from grade 4! she said she will work out a plan for me to work out before i go to gym! Did i tell you Ntando wrote a blog on me, ok me and others but i was there, ME! So yes my support structure is so strong and is keeping me in check. Simba in Aussy, also askes and has decided to be regular to the gym himself.

i have also reduced the amount of food i eat now, into half and more veggies less carbs, but waiting on RU, for my Zim friendly wat to eat! so my tummy has shrunk and i am feeling good, my skin is clearing and i feel more confident. thanks for reading, til next time, exercise, exercise, exercise!