Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Accountability Breeds Discipline

The last 20 days have been full of fun laughter, tears and of course closeness to God. I am loving this Habit Reinforcement jouney for 42 days. It takes 21 on days to establish a habit, when you for some reason loose the habit, it takes double the time to reinforce it. This is why i am on a 42 day journey to exercise and eating right habit reinforcement journey. My cousin asked me why i even bother tell +3000 how i have exercised every morning?. When i started i thought the same, that i owe no one an explanation, and its true; those that love me, don't need it and those that don't love don't even care! So i tell for my own benefit actually. So that i have the energy and that nudge to wake in up in the morning, especially with this mean winter coming.

On day 3 of my posting i started getting inboxes and whatsapps from friends and family encouraging me to carry on and even giving me tips that worked for them. I was excited and knew that i could to it because Chara chimwe hachitwanyi inda ( loosely translated- more like direct translation: one finger cant crush lice). i need someone to challenge me and ask me of my movement, and i realized there are the watchers like Rutendo Chigudu, who will lovingly watch, then those; yes those, that watch waiting for me to fail, kwaaaaaaaaaaaa am on day 20; keep watching! The joy of words like, You can do it, i know you can; well done Tendi, i am proud of you; you go girl, you are a mean machine and come on girl, you looking beautiful each day ---- keep me going.

I have gotten a couple of hate mail, hanzi, hee kufuta, wat wat, you will never loose weight. I do not satisfy their stupidity by responding, i just take it in, and it gives me fuel to wake up in the morning and walk it off, at times, i dance it off. I have also refused to respond to some labels that people carelessly pass out, and i correct instantly! The thing is people are naturally threatened by confident people. They subconsciously want to bring them down to their level by finding fault, that will break their self esteem. When you find yourself just saying to people oh you are so big, oh you are so skinny, oh your skin is reacting, oh this and that; check yourself, you are having some self esteem issues yourself. You don't feel better by pulling others down. In some cases people might have chronic illnesses that they cant control to be in that state.

Anywhoooo I started getting people being encouraged to start their own health living journey from my post; i mean seriously: if i can do it, anyone can do it too. Some were sharing with me testimonies of how the accountability breeds discipline posts have changed their work life. Yes you heard me, work life. i was shocked too, work life? This taught me that you never how what you are doing can change people's lives for the better or worse. A guy told me it had changed his marriage; i also keep getting shocked, because my weight lose and marriage? like how? But hey it helping them. i love this journey because its seized to be mine alone, its now yedu (ours).

I am a happier person, more self confident and a serious information sponge. i love at my perfect imperfections and am living life with more energy and embrace. I work out with Peace and parallel with Tariro Tandi. i encourage those that want to establish a routine to find people who will work out with you or encourage you because it will breed discipline if you have someone to account to. You will also have to eat right, with the right quantities and enjoy it. make sure this is not done without the love for it and enjoyment because it will retaliate and you will hate it.

My spiritual life has blossomed over these past 20 days, i feel closer and closer to Jehovah, we talk more often and i read His word for growth, i feel alive. Fasting and praying which was becoming hard, is now a joy because i have the energy to pray. i even forgive easily, oh yes! i let it go if it doesn't cause harm to me in anyway.

With all this energy, i have a to do list, aligned to having fun of course; watch a movie - in a movie house, go watch Dynamos live at Rufaro Stadium, go and watch a play, attend an arts festival and enjoy life, go to a Winky D show kikikikiki, i want to live, love, learn, laugh and dance; not watch it pass by. so yes, if there is a habit you want to establish or reinforce, be accountable; in Celebration ministries we are encouraged to have an accountability partner, who helps you walk life's journey with principles that bring about a balance, responsible and disciplined person. Your friend, brother, sister, cousin or mentor can be your accountability partner, i just chose FB, just because i can.

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