i am so much inspired by the way job held on tight and just believed that God was going to do His thing, God did not dare curse God, not even a word or a thought. You know this is a very crazy season we are in, i have sen a lot of my friends going through of of their toughest seasons yet, and they just pressing on. At time we think that, my situation is the worse possible one, and no one, can understand what is going on with you.
I am not sure wat is going with you (yes you, reading this post) but i know that you must be in a season that you need some people to just sit with you, like Job's friends Chapter 2 from vs 11 -13. At times you do not need much from those that are close and dear to you, but for them to be just there, not even say a thing, but sit with you and not even utter a word, solitude, just to show that we see you grief, we love you and we are here, they sat with Job for 7 days. Now, now, i know we do not have 7 days to spare, but surely you have a sms, or a call or something to show that you see and understand their grief.
I have had wonderful friends and family, that are there for me always. I was saying to some people yesterday (at pastor Vimbayi Mahiya's Father's funeral) that there are times you need your friends and those you love, when you get married, have a child, when you get robbed and when someone dies. I might have left out some of the times, but am sure you understand where i am coming from, To just be there for those you call friends or family, its vital.
When they are weak, you are strong, when you are strong they are weak, it goes without say. You know i have days when i am strong, and have encouraged myself in the Lord through the word and worship, i look for people i can encourage and hold their hand through the season they are going through. We need to move away from being seasonal friends and be those that are true and constant. However if you do know that the relationship is seasonal, then be effective in the season, you have been assigned in that person's life. If you are there to encourage, restore, bless, pray, deliver, love, or just be there, then do that, because there will come a season, when your needs will need these friends.
If you look in chapter 3 of Job, his friends then remind him of how strong he has been for others and an encourager and all, and now he has grown weak, and that is were they come in to remind him of whose he is, who he is, and whom his God is. this is amazing. i am loving Job so much and i have a better understanding of who he did it, he was confident in his God firstly and then he had a solid support structure, however, the wife leaves a lot to desire, that why Pastor E' says, are you marrying a wife or a knife. i will nt even go into that one, whom you marry wat wat, but yes, you need to know whether this person can stand by you and still believe in you, not falter when trouble come, hanzi curse God and die, eeeeeeeeee, abominationwooo.
Job took a while to get out in the place he was at because his loss was great, but he eventually did. And it didnot say he did not trust his God no! We all need time to mourn, but not throwing pity-parties, go through the emotions and carry on with life without dwelling to much on the event look forward with hope, that God's perfect will, shall come to pass, and your future is much better than your past. I for one is a person, who shelves my emotions and avoid dealing with them, and then when i least expect it, the creep up on me, and i feel emotionally exhausted, tired and in-between emotions. If someone asks me, whats wrong, i will probably say i do not know, which is true, because i am not sure which issue is surfacing, what happened, when and why. But Job, went through the emotions and friends listened, and helped, or not i doono, but he went through the emotions.
Well be there for someone, especially those you hold close, and then be random as well, and be there for those that seem like they do not have anyone, and see if God will not cause a great blessing to come upon you. We give out of the abundance of our hearts, wats in yours? What have you been banking in your heart, can we withdraw it and give it to someone? I know the rich have many friends, and we always focus on financially rich only, did you know the rich in love too have many friends, the rich in peace, the rich in encouragement, the rich in grace they too have loads of friends, the poor at these too have nothing, even their own neighbours and family despise them
What kind of a friend are you?