As i was saying in the last blog........ yoga is a great place to start because my body really has not know any form of exercise and i mean any. So i did wake up, and boy did i know yoga was serious workout? i used to think and of course it does look like the positions are a piece of cake and there is no sweat involved.... lolest Kubhaiza! (you are kidding yourself). Yoga burns calories i tell you and it deals with body areas you did not even know you had. Of course the first few times you cant even do the positions and breath and meditate at the same time but hey, all things get better with time. Some positions i feel like i will kill myself because breathing will be hard... very hard!
Oh yes, comes the Christians rising eyebrows about yoga, i see you... some even go on to say the positions mean things and do Pilates, well, call it ignorance or lack of wisdom (am allowed as my blog says) but i totally play my Zamar CD and meditate on the word of God i would have read in the morning. that said, i have embraced yoga and it is working for me. i feel the waist and the joints improving. Yoga is a great and less stressing way to exercise and relax. But i am no authority on ho does and doesn't do yoga, i know i am on a journey i am travelling and God is at the centre.
I realized that i do not blow out as i used to, heish heish imi weee imi, even my family would tell you... i was a veld fire! But ikozvino am calmer and i think before i react (coz that's what i used to do - react). I really did have a short fuse, no one needs to tell me that, i know! Anything that made me feel "raped" violated or cornered caused me to go into full defense mode! it would be war for me, no retreat and no surrender! Tjo, no one wanted to be on my bad side, hiiii. But hey it was all this anger and undealt with issues that i had inside, slowly but surely i am untangling the drama. i am becoming a better more loving person, with loads of weigh coming off my shoulders.
Its been a week now since i started my journey and i feel more energetic and open minded.... in this week these are the measures i have taken:
I wake up at 5am and the first thing i do is chew on some garlic and drink lukewarm water 500ml with lemon slices before i do my yoga and exercising. i then drink 500mls more water after bathing. I have since realized we all don't take the same amounts of water... i am prescribed to take 4litres daily and at room temperature or look warm. Cold water is not good for the body because that is not even the temperature our body is either.
I have also reduced my plate size from a dinner plate to a plate slightly bigger than a side plate. The brain is an interesting organ that can be tricked. You know your mind and body get full when you finish your food in the plate? so regardless of the size of the plate when you are done, your brain registers FULL. At first it is hard to do, but as your tummy shrinks then you get comfortable and full. i also make sure i have my full 8 hours sleep too. Sleep is important because it gives your body time to digest and rest also bringing restoration and adjustment to the new life style.
What has been mostly interesting about my journey is that i have allowed God to be in control and i have a strong support system around me, Some have even joined me to wake up at 5am and call to make sure am up, others have started their own journeys, some have re-engaged self weight loss programs. i have also been rewarded by my friends with lil pleasure packs for remaining faithful to my decision. My exercise buddy Peace Mtize is amazing she is so diligent and encouraging.
Last night i got an offer that shook me to make my journey an inspirational journey to many and i am excited, something is brewing and i am excited! i kissed the Nike sneakers that Maureen Bandama bought me for my 29th, they are now so useful and faithful! i know, i know, two years later! However the journey continues and each day is hard but i see grace upon grace and love and abundance.....
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