I have since realised, that i am a treasure! The bible says, love your neighbour as you do yourself. So i have decided to have a new and none vain love for myself, so i can love those that surround me better and deeper. I was saying on my facebook status, that words have power; and what you think is reinforced and is likely to happen. I was not necessarily nice to anyone yesterday and i was thinking oh these police, will stop me and harrass me today, and guess what they did for a whole 20 so odd minutes, and to this minute i am convinced, it is because i confessed/spoke it and thought it and it had no choice but to manifest.
So today i decided to wake up and be full of life, speak abundance and to just love on people and of course enjoy the day and its beauty. Now there is a lot of small mercies happening to me that will add to bigger grace that is coming to me. I love the Lord because He is faithful, He is a God of many chances. I have been hurt a lot by some people i have loved with my all, and they have not loved me as i have loved them or expected to be loved in turn, but then again that is what i do with my Jesus. So, regardless of how some people will treat me today and going forward, with full knowledge that i deserve better, i will love them, and i know one day, they will realise, i am an amazing woman, a true treasure. I too have hurt people and i sincerely apologise for the pain and suffering, from the bottom of my heart, i should have known better, but i thank God i do now, and i am willing to make a 360 turn, to being a better me.
My day and future will be beautiful, and i attract to myself love and abundance, pampering and grace, and i will do unto others as i would have them do to me. Overflowing with patience, long suffering and truth. Sometimes we treat ourselves badly because we think we do not deserve to be loved and appreciated, or we punish ourselves thinking we do not deserve love. we get angry with ourselves and then take it out on others, well i know i have done that, even to my son, but now even to him, i choose to be a better and more loving mother. Well i do deserve the best in life and people deserve the best of me too. I will love me more, cherish me more, so i be more to those that i love and will love in thr future. Life is short and i want to be remember as the woman who tried everyday to change herself to be a better person, that when you sit back and think about Tendai, you shake your head with shock, but always end with a smile on your face.
So as i work towards my 30th, i choose to be a better me, full of life, love and laughter, it will not be easy or an overnight event, but i definitely want to work on the stages. so love on me and help me with this walk i have decided to embark on. xoxoxo
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