Monday, October 10, 2016

Manna Monday - Gratitude: Have an attitude of gratitude.

There is so much going on around us and with the BOND NOTES still coming (like winter in Game of Thrones) its not helping!! At all at All!!! I mean life is becoming more and more expensive, depressing right? People are committing suicide, others going to bed without shelter or food and losing everything to debt collectors, politicians are looting money left right and centre; most of all there is no freedom of anything these days. One would say, GRATITUDE? Grateful for what? Tomorrow is so uncertain and we do not know whether or not it will rain this year. The only thing we are certain of today is the things we have now and what is happening right now.

The worst part is people feel entitled to things now, we don’t even say THANK YOU as often as we should say it. Even if someone sweeps your office, brings you a cup of tea, calls you visits you - say THANK YOU. It doesn’t matter that you pay them, just say THANK YOU when a service is rendered to you.

I was listening to Winky D’s 25 (vision board things), and it broke my heart, it broke because I too had so much I had set to achieve at 25 and I am almost a decade into 25 and still some things are just a phantom for me. I know the environment, economy and politics are squeezing our desired goals of 25 dry and I even know it will take a while to get there or recover lost time. All I am saying is be grateful you still alive for such a time as this to change the ills of this world and make tangible progress. If you have a vision board, go tick off the things you have achieved and be grateful for it. Being grateful does not mean you are settling or bring content with what you have. It simply means you are aware of what you have and are thankful for it.

Tendai, what am I being thankful for? Well I am glad you asked. Look around you right now, yes do it, look around you. You might not have what you have always desired but come on, look at what you have. Name it, and be grateful. Hanzi kusatenda huroyi (ingratitude is witchcraft). There are so many things to be grateful for and this week we dedicate it to being grateful to ate least 3 things a day. From friends, your hustle, job, clothes, shelter, family, friends, food and life it’s self. Let’s not take for granted that which others are fasting and praying for, or going kun’anga to get ka. Celebrate what you have and be grateful for it.

Gratitude Guide:
Take time alone to meditate, think or pray and out loud say what you are grateful for. If it suits you, find a journal and write it down. Smile while you are being thankful and I know the higher power you believe in will send more things to you because of your attitude of Gratitude. I mean who doesn’t want to keep giving a person who says thank you? Say thank you at least 7 times a day this week and see if it’s not food to your soul. Have a grateful week!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Teaser for my Book, coming soon - "A letter to my 20s"

“Did I waste my 20s, because I really feel like I wasted my 20s”? I blurted out as soon as my Skype call connected to Maureen 3 days before my 30th birthday. The 7th of November 2012 was now seemingly a doomsday for me! I decided, without giving Maureen a chance to respond to my madness, that I was going to write my 20s a letter and I would share it with her. “Ok, Maureen catch you on the 7th I will have at least a 4 paged letter to my 20s for you to read, so later, I have a letter to write, thank you and I love you, goodbye.” Poor Maureen she didn’t get a chance to ask me what I was on about, where was this coming from and why on earth was I so freaked out about turning 30?

A letter to my 20s, why write letter to my 20s, why the 20s, why a letter? Who on earth writes themselves a letter, to God yes, but to oneself, uhmmm? Oh, are we checking sanity levels now? I will ask you this; who picks other people’s letters and reads them? (Gotcha!) I know letters to be private and for the eyes of the addressed only; but there you are sticking your nose into my business (laugh out loud) and reading my letter! Yes, a letter, because it is the best platform to explicitly communicate a message. It is empirical evidence in black and white of intrinsic psychological, physical and emotional processes that happens within a person to be disciplined enough to actually end up writing a letter to someone, and in this case it’s to me. This means being vulnerable to self, embracing, exposing and facing inner secrets, fears, failures, faults and fascinations and personalized thoughts.

Well, maybe, just maybe I went through my 20s without processing the process, and now I wanted/ to do this as an inventory, an audit or should I say an introspection of where I was coming from and who I had become; if I was becoming something at that? I felt like my 20hs were like a cloud and nothing tangible had happened. Had I floated around hoping to be a rain cloud or a winter cloud or I would disappear into thin air and never materialize to a meaning precipitation of some sort.

 I was caught up in a web of emotions and lost into nothingness of thoughts, fading like ink on an ancient roman manuscript; or was it falling into a huge black hole, being sucked in by the forces of something indescribable? I felt a lot of my experiences were left wide open without closure,  just needed to put a lid on it. There had been a lot of cooking and stewing and roasting and and and……. The food was never served, nothing was plated, as if the stove and pots were stolen (which reminds me when I got robbed at 28, pots, pans, plates, stove and all; but that has its own chapter). In retrospect, this is no “4 paged letter, and I enclose it with a kiss” type letter that Aaliyah (God rest her Soul) sang in her early 20s (ironic) It’s going to be some kaleidoscopic letter, that clearly did not take me 3 days to write, and Maureen still hasn’t read it!

Where had my 20s gone to, and where I am is it where I want to be, how close or far am I from the road most/less traveled? There I was facing my 30s and I was not even sure I was ready for them, later alone done with my 20s. Did I need just one more year to deal with my 20s? Why couldn’t I freeze time, or been a scientist and build a time machine; go back in time? Even if I went back in time, which age of my 20s would I return or reincarnate to? The whole women are like wine notion; that we get finer with age; sounded like some ridiculous idea. If I was feeling so lost and lost; how the hell would I find myself and embrace me in my 30s? SO HERE GOES…

Dear 20s……
I have a web of emotions right now, I feel sooo, something intense, I am not even sure what it is. Life has been had if you must know there is a lot that happened when you had the reigns which affect me to date. There are things I need to get off my chest, remove the clogging so I can fully be and live my life.

Nhai 20s, you always did like to make an entrance, didn’t you, starting with age 20. You were like, heelllo 20 and boom, PREGNANT!! Just as you were beginning to enjoy the ummm, ahhhh, deeper, faster, no, there, keeping, doing that, yeeeeesssss, at, that, angel, deeper; then spasms, sweat, screams, heart, rate, up, name calling, vibrations, exhale and sigh…….…intense gratification. Then you go and get pregnant, at 20?! Did you not now there was contraception? I thought you were a peer educator who gave advice to other students on contraception. Tawanda is the most amazing child I know and he is my celebrated blessing. He indeed is a light to my world and has brought the best and worst out of me. I have become a better and more focused person because of him, otherwise I would have been some selfish bitch.

The reason I am is because you made the best decision and kept him for us, I could not imagine my world without him, it would be so meaningless and empty. The reason I want to be a better person is because of Tawanda and I strive to give him the best in life, yet at times when he was younger I wanted to prick his eyes out because he looked like his father so much.

Getting married to Tafadzwa was not the best decision, I should have listened to my grand mother. There were still a lot of insecurities, and no knowledge of self when i made this decision. Wait, patriarchy also helped me make this decision. "You are pregnant and therefore must get married" patriarchy said. I remember going to show him to my granny, she wasn’t amused, for some reason she did not like the idea of us getting married. They say old people know things, I am sure she knew things I did not know. There was a void, that I can remember, everything was moving so fast. Then my father beat up my other sadly because I was pregnant and was resisting to get married. My mother was hospitalized, the worst was she said you had ashamed her and that I had to do right by her and get married.

You must have felt life a thorn in the flesh because that’s when you attempted suicide, I know, at that point it did make sense to end the lives that were causing pain. If it wasn’t for Vimbai, this letter would be nonexistent, she saved your life, having drank half a bottle of painkillers. The feeling as I write you this letter has overwhelmed me all over. My father was already having and affair with his now second wife and wasn’t that caring anymore.

Needless to say, you were adventurous sexually I give you that; sex in the car, getting caught having sex in your boyfriend’s office by his boss. Oh and how about that time you have sex at the back of a moving open pickup track? I even remember how you got pregnant; are you ready? In a swimming pool! It must have been the thrill of almost getting caught or was it the unusual warmth and sensation of his penis as it slowly penetrated your vagina? What was it that made you want it raw like that? Should I give you the benefit of the doubt that passion and spontaneity took over common sense and logic or it was because condoms and water don’t mix? The thrill of 20s you try anything.

The day you got married, was the day you signed a death wish, I think the universe was like, you missed death by suicide, there for will give you your own death angel. To this day, I wonder how a man that loved you so much, used to send hundred red roses on valentines, drive over 40km to and from to see you, would beat you up to the point of death. That was one brutal marriage, I salute you for walking out. It’s a shame people insist if is not working and he is beating you, you can just walk out like nothing happened. Its not like that confirm